Walking as a Religion?
Sometimes I stumble upon things that interest me as I’m reading something else that caught my eye. Often times, I trip over these items of intrigue by reading Austin Kleon’s blog and newsletter, something I like to catch up on during my Saturday morning...
The Worrier’s Guide to the End of the World by Torre DeRoche
If you asked me my favorite genre of book to pick up at any given moment, I would probably tell you travel memoirs. I like personal memoirs in general, but I particularly love a good travel adventure where the author gives us an insight into their mental journey as...
Reading: After I Do by Taylor Jenkins Reid
I adore Taylor Jenkins Reid’s style of writing. And the audio book was superb! Read all of my thoughts about After I Do.

Who You Choose to Represent You IS Your History
Who you choose to represent you says everything about you. Are you happy with how it’s going? What are you doing to make it better?

Reading: Toxic Positivity by Whitney Goodman
Toxic Positivity by Whitney Goodman is WAY more than a self-help book, it’s a book for bringing more humanity back into humans.