I’ve been repeating the same mantra to myself every day since starting down the road to publishing my first book. And every book since.
And any time my kids are struggling with a long-term project, I tell them the same thing.
And when writers write to me and ask me what my one piece of advice is for writing a book when the world is screaming at you to do so many other things, I tell them this.
Or when my friend tells me she wants to change careers or learning something new, I tell her this.
So, when Matt Kepnes, one of my favorite travel writers, tweeted the same advice (below), I knew I needed to add this advice to the blog today in case you needed to hear it.
Do one thing every day that will get you closer to your trip.
Save money, buy a guidebook, build an itinerary.
It doesn’t matter.
Once you start doing one thing each day, momentum builds momentum and, before you know it, that dream trip won’t be a dream any longer.
— Nomadic Matt (@nomadicmatt) August 1, 2021
So, whatever it is — writing a book, changing careers, learning another language, taking a trip — do just one thing today to move you in the right direction.