I was reminded by one of my lovely readers yesterday inside Sunserious Readers that I never posted my thoughts on It Ends With Us by Colleen Hoover.

That’s because I was WRECKED after I finished that audio book. W-R-E-C-K-E-D! In a good way, of course. Colleen Hoover has a way of making you feel so deeply about characters that you want to hug these new imaginary friends. I was so emotional after listening to It Ends With Us that I jumped immediately into another book relationship and listened to November 9, also by Colleen Hoover. I felt like a teenager who thought that the only way to get over an emotional breakup was to jump immediately into another relationship.

It worked, I suppose. Because I then fell head over heals in love with November 9.

I’m not a book reviewer. Duh! You knew that. I’m your friend, and I’m simply recommending a book I’ve read! If you haven’t read those two books, you totally should. It Ends With Us comes with a warning, however. I am not someone who believes that books should have trigger warnings placed on them, especially since you know pretty early on in the book that the subject matter of It Ends With Us is pretty heavy. If the subject matter is something you don’t wish to read, then you should definitely stay away from the book. Colleen has very real experience with the subject matter, and because of this, she tells a story that will have you clutching your chest and leave you breathless at times.

Colleen Hoover is one of the first indie authors that I read, beginning with Slammed (also amazing!). She is one of the biggest reasons that I decided to indie publish from the very beginning, and I haven’t regretted it. This is why I return to her books every chance I get.

Have you read Colleen Hoover? What is your favorite book by her?

What are you reading now? I’m reading a JD Robb book currently, but I’m about to start Year One by Nora Roberts. I haven’t decided if I want to read or listen to this one. If you have thoughts on that, let me know in the comments.

I’m super curious about Year One. Having written my own dystopian book (Emerge), I’m interested in seeing how my all-time favorite author decided to tackle a post-apocalyptic tale.

Let’s chat books in the comments…


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