While Exposed in Darkness is a fast paced suspense, it’s not without its intimate scenes between Brooke and Declan. I love how USA Today reviewer explained the dynamic between these two powerful, yet sexy, characters in THIS REVIEW.

Since I’m currently writing the fourth book in this series, I loved being reminded of the following scene that USA Today included in their review:

There we were, standing in a parking garage, hidden between two SUVs, and breathing like we’d just outrun one of his thoroughbreds.

“I’m sor—” he started, but stopped himself. “No, I’m not sorry.” He ran a hand through his hair, turned and walked a few steps, then whipped back around, causing me to flinch again. “I want you. I’ve never wanted something so badly. And I’m terrified.”

 I watched him watching me. I didn’t dare look away from his eyes. They held the intensity of a dark storm. “Why?” I asked. My voice cracked out of fear for what he might say.

“I’m terrified of this person stalking you. I’m terrified of your job, that you’ll get a lot more than a sprained arm in the line of duty.” He stepped over to me again, pushing his body against mine, and ran the back of his hand down the side of my face. “But mostly, Brooke Fairfax, I’m terrified you’ll tell me that I don’t have, or never will have, the right to be this concerned over your well being.”

I don’t know what you want me to say,” I said softly. “I can’t promise that I won’t get hurt. I’m not capable of promising anything right now.”


Read Chapter One on the blog, or get a longer excerpt via INSTAFREEBIE, iBOOKS, or by clicking “Read an Excerpt” below.

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